
The Latest in University Politics

Invitation: Documentation on the Nazi era at TUM

The opening of the new memorial site for persecuted university members of TUM (then THM) during the period of German fascism will take place on July 9 at 4 pm in the Carl von Linde lecture hall (main campus). Historians, members of the commission for the reappraisal of TUM‘s nazi history and President Hofmann will speak at the event. After the opening, the student cinema tufilm will show „The White Rose“, which is about the Munich resistance group of the same name against the fascist Hitler regime, free of charge at 20:00. All members of the university as well as the general public are invited to attend. The event is going to be held in German. More information on the TUM website.

TUM Sustainability Day

On June 12, the TUM Sustainability Day took place in the MW building. Over the course of the day, around 4,700 participants engaged with the topics of sustainability and climate protection in hundreds of workshops, discussions, lectures and other formats. After the opening by Vice President for Sustainable Transformation Prof Werner Lang and President Prof Hofmann, Prof Sarah Billington from Stanford University, our student senator Isabella Hennessen, and members of TUM‘s sustainability committees discussed the sustainable transformation of our university.
Among the exhibitors were many student initiatives – such as the student environmental department, the bicycle workshop ReparadTUM and Plant a Seed, as well as chairs, research groups, NGOs and companies. Nico Rosberg, who has been campaigning for climate protection since the end of his Formula 1 career, also gave a well attended talk.
Silent but nonetheless clear criticism came from members of the Last Generation, who disrupted a BMW presentation on sustainable production chains. They wanted to make it clear that even the greenest production chain is not sustainable if the product is a car. The general automotive focus of the university and the Garching campus was also criticised by many visitors.
Even though a lot has been happening recently in terms of sustainability at TUM, there is still room for improvement and many old structures still need to be scrutinised and rethought.
We as FSMB took part with a booth about the participatory work of our student council as well as our blood donation events and organised a quiz on the connection between food and the climate crisis. We also did a small survey on sustainability in teaching.

Image: Luis‘ Bilder Ticker

University Elections

On July 9, the TUM University Elections will take place. This is your chance to show support for student participation in university processes. If you have any questions on the process, make sure to check our Election Special in this edition of Reisswolf.
If you have any ideas or wishes that the candidates should promote, feel free to come to the student union office (Fachschaft Maschinenbau) and talk to us.


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