Der Lehrstuhl Ergonomie stellt sich vor

Lehrstuhl für Ergonomie Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler

Anzahl der Mitarbeitenden: ca. 55 Mitarbeiter*innen (Stand Dezember 2021)

Angebotene Vorlesungen:

Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler: Arbeitswissenschaft, Menschliche Zuverläsigkeit, Produktergonomie, Produktionsergonomie, Software Ergonomie, Ergonomische Aspekte der Luftfahrt, Fahrerassistenzsysteme, Interaction Prototyping

Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte

Prof. Dr. Klaus Bengler: @city, INSAA, Shape-IT, CAD, OpaI4DNCS, IMAGinE, COVID19LL, KI.Fabrik, L2H-off, BeKoMi

Industriepartner: Audi, BMW, MAN und viele mehr

Abschlussarbeiten oder HiWi-Jobs: HiWi-Jobs, zu finden unter www.mec.ed.tum. de/lfe/lehre/hiwi-stellen und Aschlussarbeiten, zu finden unter lfe/lehre/studienarbeiten

Standort in der Fakultät Maschinenwesen: Hof 3, EG und OG 3


The Institute for Ergonomics is primarily active in the research on definition and evaluation of Human Machine Interaction and anthropometric layout of technical systems (cars, software, planes, production facilities and tools). In these areas safety, efficiency of use and user satisfaction in numerous usage scenarios play a predominant role.

Ergonomic research is of great importance facing the current demographic and economic developments, as ergonomic quality and joy of use are important properties for products on globalized markets. Robotics, AI and innovative manufacturing technologies offer various opportunities to rethink the interaction between humans and machines.

Under the headline of human centered technology design our research is focused on applications in mobility, automobiles, climate comfort/CO-2 reduction, work in industry and the health sector. hererequirements of safety, sustainability, comfort and efficiency have to be met simultaneously.


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